Today we were able to visit four different families. Two families were in the city of Riobamba and two were located in rural areas. We were able to spend some time with them and get to see how they live. We were to take part in their day-to-day routine.

Leader of the day, Kevin and his group were able to visit a family located in the city area of Riobamba. We met with Maria Juana and her family and learned that they dedicated themselves to working in agriculture. We were able to work in the corn fields with the family and have lunch with them. Working in the hot sun and seeing the conditions in which the family and the home really gave us a reality check. Not only because the home was still in the city and we have a certain view of how a city home should be like. We were able to recognize and understand how much privilege we have by living in the United States.

Melanie was also chosen as leader of the day today. It was a comfortable experience for her as taking on the role of a leader was natural. Her group visited a family located in the rural area of Riobamba. The family situation was definitely one with the least amount of resources. When we first met the family and were welcomed into their home, they really didn’t anything for us to do. But seeing as today was community day and helping out the locals, I took the initiative to clean the family’s backyard. It was hard picking up trash in the hot sun and with bugs everywhere (for me that was hard especially since I don’t like bugs). But with the help of my group, we gave the family all the help we could offer and made sure their day was just as happy as it was for us. Seeing the different situations just made me realize how different people everywhere grow up and experiencing this firsthand made me want to help more and appreciate all my parents do for me.

Since we had split into different groups, when we returned to the hotel, we were able to share the different experiences we had with the different families we visited. In all of the families we visited, we saw how hardworking the moms are and how hard it was to maintain the home – so shoutout to all the moms carrying the families along with hard-working fathers who do anything to support their families!

Afterward, we continued working on our community action projects and designing them. Melanie decided to join the mural group where they will paint a mural for a school here in Ecuador. Using creativity and ideas from others,  she was able to design the mural that we will paint this Friday for the school. Kevin joined the group who will build a fence around a garden. It was within this time we were also able to do a practice presentation in preparation for tomorrow’s actual presentations.

Overall the day went by as one of the best due to seeing and hearing everyone’s joyful emotions after visiting and helping out the families.

*Working in the cornfield


*Yvonne and Kevin ready to start their work!


*Having fun!


*Melanie’s group cleaning up their host family’s backyard.


Thank you, Riobamba families for accepting us into your homes!