Hey everyone,

Today we had the earliest wake-up call of the trip which was 5:30 in the morning. We were able to visit a community called Paris de Panita. While we visited this community we were able to split up into 5 groups with a host mother that told their story about living in the community. We asked questions about how they lived; such as what was the biggest challenge they faced while living in this community, what was the best part and it seemed like everyone was very happy. We basically learned that we need to value what we have in life because there are other people living in different conditions. Also, we had to live like a local, which meant that we would survive on $1 a day. In the morning and evening we had to eat a 1$ meal, which was sausage, corn and cheese. This is a meal that would be typical in Chitre.

Overall, we were able to gain a perspective on life in general and what it takes (and means) to be happy. We were also able to present our CAP project, which went great. The ladies of Nutre Hogar loved our ideas and plan for the very special place they have built for their community! We will be helping to improve a playground, expand a garden, revitalize a classroom and decorate a bedroom for the kids. Lastly, we had a great time teaching our English class today !!!!

To all the families don’t worry we are having a great time!