We started off our day at 8:00 am and had breakfast at 9:00 am, which consisted of a fruta y yogur, balón de verde, and jugo de naranja.

Then, we headed to visit the Love On organization. Love On is an organization that helps provide young children from Riobamba get academic support, learning programming, English, and other soft skills in order to provide them better future. The group was divided into two groups: group 1 helped the younger children paint portraits of llamas as well as make collares de fideo, group 2 assisted the older children in making dinosaur and bunny pencil holders out of paper.

Throughout the experience with Love On, we were able to see the true impact and joy education brings and how far it can take you in life.

Later, we returned to the hotel and had lunch: plátanos, arroz con camarones, and vegetales. Once lunch was over, half the group played a board game one of the Glimpser’s dad created, while the other half played soccer and volleyball outside.

We also began planning our Community Action Project (CAP) which will be completed by helping out the community of the Yaruquies School in rural Riobamba.

Finally, we had dinner of pollo aguado y tortillas de maíz relleno con queso and then had our nightly meeting to pass the torch to the next Líderes del Día (LDD).

Global Glimpse Glimpsers and the children from Love On