We’ve made it to Guaranda! After a midnight landing and stay in Quito, we traveled the day on windy roads past the beautiful Chimborazo mountain to our new home. The students marveled at the scenery around them and after arriving got acquainted with the immediate local area. After lunch, the glimpsers sat down for personal check-ins to discuss health and safety information and got to decompress from the long journey. Next came dinner, followed by a seminar on daily protocols and a breakdown of tomorrow’s itinerary.

My first impressions of the trip are extremely positive. In our nightly meetings we reflect upon the day’s activities and overall vibe, and when it was my turn to share tonight I spoke about how open everyone has been in getting to know one another. The excitement of this new experience has a resonating effect on their attitude towards each other, and it is great to see the friendships developing from the very beginning. Alex, another Global Glimpse program coordinator who sat in on our meeting tonight, gave the students an important piece of advice: make this place your home and everyone in it your family.

The next couple of weeks will be filled with a mixture of experiences and emotions, and it’s important that we are all there for each other in good times and bad. I am grateful to have such compassionate and caring students and leaders here in Guaranda and excited to partake on this adventure together!



Big Love,

Jeromie Whalen
Global Glimpse Leader

Click here to see a quick album of our first day in Guaranada!