Hello Global Glimpsers and families! My name is Rachel Baker, and I am one of your Global Glimpse Leaders (GGLs). I am so excited to meet all of you and am looking forward to getting to know you and seeing you grow during our trip together to the Dominican Republic!

This will be my first trip with Global Glimpse, but I have done a lot of traveling on my own and have even participated in group travel experiences (which were always life-changing)! I have taught social studies on and off since 2006, and I have also worked in youth recreation and camping through the YMCA, YWCA, JCC, etc. I have worked with almost every age, but I enjoy working with teens the most, and I am currently teaching high school social studies in Turners Falls, MA. (I am also a class advisor, and department chair, run the student advisory program, and do a bunch of other things, but I love teaching the most!)

When I’m not teaching or traveling, I love singing/playing guitar, reading, kayaking, and hanging out with my husband (also a teacher), two children, and an adorable dog! I’m currently in upstate New York by Lake George for the summer, but I live in Northampton, MA most of the time! Please don’t hesitate to ask me anything else about me! I can be reached by email at [email protected].

Can’t wait to see you all on August 7th!!!

🙂  Rachel

Photo of a woman (me) in an orange shirt, holding a purple travel mug with a straw sticking out of it, sitting on a red bench next to a little boy in a gray shirt (with a rainbow on it) and blue glasses eating ice cream.

My younger son and I eating ice cream on Cape Cod earlier this summer