Estimadas familias,

My name is Juliana and I have the honor of writing the last blog post of our first team to Las Tablas, Panama of 2024 summer. This morning, we traveled very bright and early in Panama City as we headed to the airport and took off at 10 am. We safely arrived at around 7:30 and were received by many of you as you were waiting for our arrival from Panama. Thank you all for receiving us with so much love. We arrived safe and sound to SFO and we are beyond grateful. There is so much to be grateful for – especially today.

To our students, it was an HONOR to experience Panama alongside with you and be a family for the past 14 days. You are incredibly loved and appreciated for all of your hard work. You all bonded in a way that was effortless as well as inspiring. Know that this family doesn’t end here but is a support system that will endure for a lifetime. You just need to reach out!

To our family in Panama, thank you for welcoming us with open arms, caring for us as well as creating a mark in our minds and hearts. We are extremely moved by you and know that we will forever carry you in our hearts. It is now our goal to take those leadership skills we gained in Panama and put them into practice here at home and in our everyday lives. Thank you for creating such a big impact in our lives!

To my co-leader Hong, you are the best Global Glimpse leader EVER! Thank you for not just caring for our students on your own for the first week but most importantly for always putting students’ hearts at the forefront of everything you did. You love and believe in our students and want them to always embrace this experience. Thank you!

It is on that note that we now end this with an:

Hasta luego, Panama!
-Juliana, GGL