Hello Glimpsers!

I am so excited to be going on this amazing adventure with you all. My name is Caitlin and I am one of your group leaders. I teach Spanish at Analy High School in Sebastopol. I have been teaching high school for five years now. Although this is my first trip to the Dominican Republic, I am no stranger to traveling. I have traveled through Central America and Western Europe. Due to my addiction to scuba diving, I have also been fortunate to travel to other islands in the Caribbean. I became a Global Glimpse leader for probably some of the same reasons you all have. I want to explore and learn about a new culture and immerse myself in their way of life. I love learning, having new experiences and meeting new people. I am so looking forward to meeting all of you and helping each of you reach your personal goals for this trip. Whether it be as simple as improving your Spanish or the often intimidating task of stepping outside of your comfort zone, I will be there to support you all on this incredible journey.

How about you? What are you most looking forward to on our trip? What do you think you will miss the most while you are away? Have you ever traveled outside the U.S. before? Where?
