Good evening families and friends, today was another full day of painting. We woke up at 7 am and headed over to our amazing chef Angie´s Restaurant, La Bruja. We ate a wonderful breakfast of beef stew and a few people tried a liver alternative. Next, we made our way over to the school where we all continued painting our respective projects. After many hours and a few water and dance breaks, Angie, once again, brought us yummy chicken and rice. 🙂

After everyone finished their chicken, we got back to work adding more details to our paintings. It was a long hot day and a few breaks were needed, but we ended the day strong with snacks thrown in the bus and a positive outlook for tomorrow´s showcase.

With the amount of fun we’re having and all the work we’ve put into our projects, it will be hard to leave Panama in a few days. We wish you all the best and wish that you could be here with us to see our accomplishments.

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