Hey everyone!

It’s so nice to be able to introduce myself before getting to know you all. First off, I’m a Dominican-American born and raised in the one and only New York City. I’m a native Spanish speaker, so if you’re looking to practice your Spanish in Panama, I’m your go-to language coach—no charge, just laughter guaranteed!

I attended Saint Bonaventure University, which is basically in the middle of nowhere. Seriously, if you think your town is small, try finding Saint Bonaventure on a map without a magnifying glass… bet you still won’t find it! I grew up traveling to the Dominican Republic and other islands, but in my junior year of college, I decided to study abroad in one of the most magical cities in Europe called Prague in the Czech Republic.

I will 1000% be encouraging you to study abroad for the entire trip so be ready for that! This experience catapulted my desire to continue traveling around the world and immerse myself in different cultures, languages, and foods. I have a master’s in Special Education from the City College of New York.

I’m a 10th-grade Global and 11th-grade U.S. History teacher, and I absolutely love working with students like you. High school can be a melting pot of emotions and experiences, but I want to remind you that you are SO brave and incredibly remarkable for committing to this experience. It takes a lot to push yourself out of your comfort zone, especially at this age, but you’re doing it!!! You should be incredibly proud of yourself. You may not see it now, but by the end of this experience, I want you to be able to look in the mirror and confidently say, “I DID THAT!”

So, buckle up and get ready for an adventure—both in learning and in life.

See you soon,

Miss. Nairée (Nai-Rei)