Hello friends and family,

It’s Raul and Valerie, the líderes of Cap Day 2! Today we started our early morning at 6:30 am…too early to even explain. We had a delicious breakfast of eggs, waffles, ham, and fruit, and after we made our way to Nutre Hogar to begin our day of hard work. Our sewing team was able to complete 13 sheets so far, our goal was 15 in general. Our gardening team officially put seeds in the soil and put rocks against the soil to keep the rows in shape. Our painting group completed most of the main wall, we just need the sunset background, which will be completed tomorrow, as well with the second wall that we started today.

All of us worked very hard today and completed the goals we gave ourselves for day 2. Being líderes del día was a great experience. It felt really good having the ability to lead and maintain a hardworking day while also having fun during the process. Me (Raúl) and Val worked together when needing to announce any information; I (Raúl) would yell “Global” and when our peers responded with “Glimpse” Val would announce what needed to be announced. We both are very proud of everyone cooperation because it made our job so much easier but also for how hard everyone worked.

Everyday there’s more and more progress towards our project and we cannot be any prouder of all our progress. Today our peers and us learned the importance of perseverance and how much it impacted our capability to make progress. There were many challenges like time and low supply availability, but we persevered through and made our project have the best progress in the last two days. I am beyond proud of the day and its outcome, everyone worked together and made the space an area that you wanted to work in… even in the dirt with the bugs! Experiencing being LDD (Val) with Raúl was a great experience that has taught me that you are capable of making change and being a leader in silence. The exhaustion everyone experienced after our hard-working day was a sight I (Val) truly loved seeing, for we pushed through getting our priorities done even if we were beyond tired and ready to just shower and go to sleep. Working with my team and being leader of the day was a privilege that and I so grateful to have gotten. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow’s finished work comes out to be and to see the reaction of the Nutre Hogar staff as they see a beneficial garden, comfortable hand sown bed sheets, and a colorful and lively mural.

Goodnight family and loved ones, get ready to see the final project soon!

Love leader Val and Raúl! xoxo