Today we woke up sort of late and woke up people sort of late as well. We then went for breakfast and ate three small pancakes each. After breakfast we came back to the hostel to  do our academic seminar on poverty. Once we finished our seminar we headed to the place where the dump used to be located and we toured the place for a bit. After our tour there we went to where the dump  is currently located and we  broke up into groups of four and we talked to the people in the dump who work there looking for plastic bottles,  cardboard, aluminum, copper and any other goods that they can  sell to get money. We then came to the hostel and we all showered so that we can get ready for lunch. For lunch we had the  opportunity to choose what we wanted to eat buffet style. When we finished lunch we came back to the hostel to reflect on what we had experienced in the dump. After debriefing we got on our private bus and went to two different locations by the same organization to  work with children who lack opportunities and education. We split into two groups and one of the groups went to Chavalada and the other group went to Ninos del Fortin. There we interacted with the children and had a good time. After interacting with the children we went to the mobile schools and worked with children. After came dinner where we consumed a taquito with gallo pinto and a side of salad. We then headed  to our  English  tutoring classes. After lecturing we walked back to the hostel and began our nightly meeting and passed on the torch to Maria. 🙂

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