Today was our final day in Constanza. We woke up and had some nice eggs and toast, then we had a THREE HOUR seminar where we reflected on our entire trip and then freely felt our love for each other. We answered reflection questions and shared our favorite moments from the trip. We did multiple activities that highlighted how much of a family we’ve become and it’s safe to say it ended in tears and hugs. We all can’t wait to share with our families the love and sense of community that we’ve received on this trip.

Today, it really struck us how impactful a family and community can be in our lives. We looked back at all our strengths and weaknesses as a community and each situation that we’ve been through together. Being that we have spent two entire weeks together and have become very comfortable and closely knit with each other, our final day has been very emotional and full of reflections.

We were surprised by everyone’s vulnerability and openness in sharing how this trip has affected them, their mindsets, and their futures. We’re incredibly proud of our growth over the last two weeks. Two weeks sounds like a short amount of time, but we have soaked in a multitude of perspectives, opinions, and knowledge. To all of us, this group has created one of the most safe and welcoming environments we have been in with peers.

Today we didn’t meet anybody new, or have any guest speakers, but we saw a new side of everybody. Everyone’s vulnerability and kindness created a deeper level of connection. We were surrounded by each other when we went out to explore Constanza one last time and since we had been stepping out of our own comfort zones for the last two weeks, a day of relaxation with our close friends was fun and refreshing (and needed).

Being Leaders of the Day, we learned about taking care of others and being in front of a large group of people, presenting and sharing. We learned how to be loud in our voices and grab attention as a leader.

Tonight for dinner, we went to Moncarlo and ate pizza as a last, special dinner. We’re all so excited to come home and share our experiences and our new selves with our families and friends.

Mariana: I’m going to miss all my new friends here, but I’m very excited to come back home. Mama, I already invited them all over. I missed you, papa, and Alex so much (and Smokey too), and I can’t wait to see you at the airport. Can we stop at Dunkin’ on the way home? I love you!!!!

Estela: Mami, I miss you and the boys so much, can’t wait to see you all tomorrow and be back home. Thank you for giving me the freedom of being on this trip, I’ve had an incredible time. Love you!!!

Bye-bye Constanza-  Estela and Mariana