My name is Pam Johnson and I will be one of your two Global Glimpse leaders traveling to Jarabacoa this summer! I am so excited to get to meet all of you in person at O’Hare Airport (Terminal 1 at 12:30 on Monday, 6/24!).

A little about me: I am a Dean at Pritzker College Prep on the city’s northwest side. I have been in education almost as long as most of you have been alive (yikes I’m old!). This is my third Global Glimpse Trip. Previously I have traveled to Nicaragua and Ecuador with Global Glimpse so clearly, I love Global Glimpse! I also just love traveling! In addition to my GG trips, I have had the incredible opportunity to travel to Australia, Mexico, Morocco, Turkey, and have even lived in the UK for 4 years, which allowed me to travel around A LOT of Europe. While in the UK I met my now husband and we now live in Park Ridge with our two kids, Lincoln (age 4) and Jackie Lou (age 1.5).

I can’t wait to meet all of you and learn from you!