The earthquake that hit Managua did not affect Matagalpa; the Glimpsers staying in Matagalpa are safe and were not impacted.
Today, the Glimpsers enjoyed their second free day as they slept in, explored the city of Matagalpa and prepared for their final week in Nicaragua.
Students engaged in various activities, from playing basketball at the local basketball court and hanging out with new friends, to doing laundry and catching up on rest.
After dinner the students began designing their proposition for the Community Action Project (CAP), which they will present to a local woman who runs a soup kitchen for homeless children. With the CAP the students hope to improve this soup kitchen through beautification: painting its walls, building benches and tables for the children to eat on, and restoring the sign above the entrance to make it more legible.
After preparing the presentation for the CAP, the students planned their lessons for the remaining English classes. The response has been positive regarding the work they have been doing in teaching the locals English. After the final week, the next team of Glimpsers will pick up where the last left off and continue the classes.
Overall, the students had the chance to relax and spend time learning about Matagalpa on their own, while thinking ahead and using their time effectively to be prepared for their next cultural experience.
I am so utterly proud of you. You are such an inspiration to me!
Bests y abrazos,
In addition to their nutrition, what is being done in terms of housing for these children? Is there a way to remedy their homelessness?
Good to read that the earthquake did not affect your trip and I hope that the people who were affected can recover quickly.