Hi Glimpsers and families! My name is Simone Walker, one of your Global Glimpse Leaders (GGLs) for this summer’s trip to Jarabacoa. My Co-GGL and I are SO excited to be going on this journey with you and can’t wait to get to know you all through this experience!

While this is my first trip with Global Glimpse, I am no stranger to traveling. I have been to Tanzania, Mexico, CuraƧao, and Aruba, just to name a few. I am looking forward to seeing how this trip will impact us all and connect you all in ways that you likely never thought possible. I currently work at College Track Crenshaw District (a college access organization) as an Academic Program Manager and love the work that I do. As an educator, I am excited to see how learning will take place from outside of a classroom and feel privileged to be able to facilitate that learning.

Here are some fun facts about myself:

  • Beyonce is my favorite music artist
  • I love going to Disneyland
  • I am a DJ!
  • I am a huge Dodgers fan
  • I went to college at UCLA

I am looking forward to learning ALL of the fun facts about you all in just a few weeks! Make sure you double and triple-check for your passport because I’m sure this is going to be the trip of a lifetime!

See you at LAX at 7:30 am on June 28th! (unless you’re not coming from LA)