Karina Solano, 17
W.C Overfelt HS San Jose, California
San Juan De La Maguana, Dominican Republic


“Travel changes you”

My trip to the Dominican Republic was my first time on an airplane and the first time I had gone more than 500 miles away from my city. This trip left a remarkable impact on my life and I am grateful I got the opportunity to be apart of it. I was able to meet the humblest and kindest people ever. I was able to step out of my comfort zone and feel free.

The kids touched my heart since day 1. Their curiosity and charisma were what really impacted me.

I was also able to build great friendships with Glimpsers that went and we have stayed connected since then. From learning about the country’s history to giving English lessons and building our Action Project together as a group was what kept us all connected.

My recap:

From this trip, my phone usage has drop more than 50%. I know to embrace every moment.

I am able to speak my mind out in a classroom setting now something I felt like I couldn’t do before. I feel more confident and empowered.

Not only that, but I realized my strong passion for social justice.

Coming from a school that does not have enough budget to higher more staff or expand our extracurriculars, I am beyond thankful to still have this program available for students. Global Glimpse gives everyone an opportunity to transform our way of thinking by providing these trips. I want to encourage students to take advantage of opportunities like this because everyone from my school who came back from a GG trip was able to say it was a life-changer.