Happy Father’s Day! Today June 16 we continued our Community Action Project (CAP) at Escuela Paris de Parita. Beforehand we ate breakfast at Café Caney, which is a time for us to bond. After breakfast the Leaders of the day Kathy B. and Isabella A., Glimpsers Sergio, Kimberly, and Shrey traveled to Machetazo, the local store, to purchase more supplies to ensure our project would be successful. After our store run everyone got on the bus and made our way to Paris. When we arrived everyone took some time to discuss roles and tasks that needed to be done by the end of the day. One of our main focuses for today was getting the mural wall sketched out and ready to paint, this was done by Tiffany with the help of Lilia. We also focused on painting all of the pillars blue and making any small touch-ups. Special recognition to Kimberly and Mary for making sure that each and every pillar had a straight line. Knowing the process of painting always comes with a mess, Samantha, Michael, Norma, Vonne, Eziequel, Kathy C. and Sergio were able to clean it up. While Tiffany was hard at work ensuring that every letter was its best Mustafa and Mariah held the ladder to preventing any accidents from happening, also many others on the mural team like Esther, Kimberly, Mustafa, Tiffany, Lilia, and Mariah helped paint the base of the mural a night sky blue. After a long day of working hard and putting our teamwork skills to the test, everyone helped accomplish almost everything we set out to do. Before ending the night your favorite Glimpsers had some time to kick their feet up and relax as well as getting the chance to call our Fathers and Father figures. After taking some down time we focused on writing letters of appreciation to those who helped fund and made it possible for Glimpsers to be a part of this life-changing program. To end the night per usual, we had our nightly meeting where we reflected on the day, showed some Big Love, Passed the Torch (introducing the leaders for the next day) and finished with the Unity Clap.


From your Leaders of the Day Kathy B. and Isabella A. Goodnight world!