¡Hola readers!

Today we woke up bright and early again at 7:00 and had a traditional Costa Rican breakfast which consisted of rice, beans, eggs, and some bread. We then had our 8:00 mental warm to prepare for the day of hard work ahead. After gathering our things, we walked the 20 minutes to Escuela Santa Rosa, the school where we were volunteering. The day’s work consisted entirely of painting the exterior of most of the school buildings a nice shade of mint and medium grey. Everyone grabbed a brush or roller and split off into many groups to finish the task. The progress made was astounding for just 6 hours of work, we had finished nearly all of the focus areas today. We made sure to take breaks to drink water frequently and reapply sunscreen and bug spray when needed. We also enjoyed a hearty lunch at midday of beef, beans, and rice, along with some Coke and Fresca sodas to wash it down, all outside in the beautiful weather. After cleaning up, we headed home, with one group splitting off to stop at the store first for some snacks and ice cream.

Most Glimpsers took showers and had some quiet time to rest after the day’s work. A couple of hours later, we had a nice dinner made by our excellent chef Diego, and his assistant Emilia. We then had a nightly meeting to recap the day and passed the torch to the next LDDs, had a tad more time together, and then headed off to bed to be ready for another day of CAP work.