Hey everyone from home!!!

It’s Shannon and Gisselle, all the way from San Juan de la Maguana! Today was Aid and Development day! We got to meet three amazing people today all from different nonprofit organizations (FUNDASEP, Plan International, and Peace Corps) who informed us about a variety of ways that they help communities in San Juan. We learned about sustainability and its positive effects on local communities.

In the afternoon, we finally got to explore the city on our own with the youth ambassadors. Some activities that were done today by students were going to the baseball cages and learning how to swing, while others went to the mall to shop. It was a really fun experience because it was the first time we went out on our own without any leaders or coordinators. But don’t worry we were accompanied by our youth ambassadors, who are locals that have been teaching us about the Dominican culture. After learning how sustainability functions it was nice to see community.

We are really grateful for having this great opportunity to learn more about the Dominican Culture and its different values. We can’t wait to experience upcoming days and the acts to come. Hope all of our families are doing well and we want to say that we miss you all so much and see you in 12 days!