Saludos a todos los Glimpsers y sus familias  🙂

My name is Adriana and I will be one of the Global Glimpse Leaders traveling with you to Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic. Born and raised in Puerto Rico, this opportunity to expose and immerse High School students in a rich, Caribbean culture was one not to be missed!

This will be my first GG trip. As a Spanish High School teacher, I believe in developing accessible and safe learning environments, balancing our students’ interests, needs, and abilities to contribute to their holistic formation. Global Glimpse brings an amazing opportunity that will challenge and empower students – as well as educators – to become responsible global citizens. I am looking forward to sharing this learning experience with you!

Things I value? I am passionate about my faith, my family, and my community. I take great pleasure in writing letters to my loved ones, making gifts, TEACHING, and having long conversations as much as sharing moments of silence. I welcome hard work, a generous cup of coffee, long drives, good dancing, and almond chocolate croissants.

¡Nos vemos pronto!