Hello, everyone! After spending the night in Quito and an almost four-hour bus ride to Riobamba, we officially arrived earlier this afternoon at our final destination. While the bus ride to Riobamba was long, it allowed us to see the beautiful countryside and the various small towns along the way. In between lots of naps of course.

Several highlights of the day included meeting the hotel staff and learning about the history of where we’ll be staying at. The hotel looks like a typical colonial hacienda and has lots of greenery and open space to enjoy nature. Some students even got to have a friendly soccer game! In between that, students got to know each other better and become familiar with GG staff as well. We got out of our comfort zones and showed off some unique and amazing dance moves. To bring us all together, we got to partake in our very first unity clap where the word was “empathy.”

It was a busy and informational first day (with lots of new and yummy food to try) and we’re ready for some sleep. Tomorrow you’ll hear from the very first two leaders of this delegation. Send lots of positive energy as they embark on this experience!!!

Carmen and Ms. G