Hola! It is Lexy and Imani. Today we were the Leaders of the day. Our fun filled day began at 6am. We had a breakfast that consisted of scrambled eggs, bread and hot chocolate. We then bused  to Bejuco Aplastado, a rural community about 20 minutes outside of Bonao, where we planted Cacao Trees (chocolate) with the help of the Brigada Verde. We planted about 500 trees in total over the course of 4 hours. After our green thumb session we ate lunch which we had the option of chicken or pork stew, white rice, and avocado. We then thanked the Brigada Verde.

After  we finished with the Brigada Verde, we prepared for the panel  presentation to the community members of Bejuco Aplastado. We shared our ideas about our CAP project. We plan on building a concession stand for the community baseball field. This concession stand will benefit the community by bringing in more money for the members.

Finally when we arrived back at the accommodations, we prepared for our English Tutoring. This was our third class. We have enjoyed getting to know our students on a personal level these past few classes. Our last class will take place this Monday, as we prepare for the students upcoming Graduation ceremony. After class, the glimpsers headed straight to the kitchen to eat a meal prepared by our amazing cook, Licelot. Our dinner included cooked Dominican Salami with green peppers, sweet plantains, and mango juice.

Our day consisted of many challenges that pushed us out of our elements and built us into stronger leaders. Sadly, our day as leaders is coming to an end. We will take this day as a well learned lesson, and continue to work on our leadership skills. Thanks for reading!

XOXO, Lexy and Imani