Hello Everybody!

Today, we all experienced many new things that we would not have experienced back home. We woke up at 4:30 and drove to a local farm, where we split into four groups and did various farming tasks. These tasks included feeding the chickens, fertilizing the coffee plants, shoveling manure, and carrying bags of manure up a hill to spread on plants (yucca). After working for three hours, we took a break for a delicious snack and got back to work. Two hours later, we took another break, and had one of the most filling lunches of this trip. It was veryblog pic 2

getting down and dirty

getting down and dirty

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bonding with the goats

bonding with the goats

resting after hard work!

resting after hard work!

hard work, but we all had a lot of fun. We were so tired that on the bus ride back from the farm, not a single person was awake! After working on the farm, we realized how hard it was to work on a farm, and we all gained a new sense of appreciation for where our food comes from.

Hope everyone’s having fun at home!

ps: Hi Kavya! 🙂