Today was a very busy day.

Wake up time was at 6 o’clock and we were ready to go for breakfast at 6:30 am. Today we visited a local greenhouse that produces all kinds of crops from cucumbers to broccoli. Working in the greenhouse was very hard. It was really hot inside despite it being a very cool day, and the greenhouse smelled strange because of the decomposing plants and cucumbers. Then we helped plant little cucumber seedlings. It was very eye-opening because even when we thought we had been working really hard it was barely anything compared to what the workers do every day. It was even more shocking that these workers would only get about seven dollars a day for all their hard work.

After lunch, we visited Agro-Marketing where we got to help pack cucumbers. It was sad to see that a lot of cucumbers were thrown away because they were not up to U.S. consumer standards. It was especially heartbreaking because we had spent the whole morning seeing how hard it is to produce them.
Finally, we had English tutoring in the evening. While finding our classes and meeting our new students was a little chaotic, it was amazing seeing the enthusiasm of the students toward learning English. The students’ hard work and dedication was really inspiring as was that of the workers in both the factory and the greenhouse.

Today made me realize that I take a lot for granted, and what I saw is something I hope to never forget.

All of the Glimpsers enjoyed their time planting, teaching their own English class and learning about how cucumbers are distributed to the United States.  Everyone in our group has a connection with one another which creates a fun and strong trip. On behalf of the first LDD leaders, Gildardo and Nikita, and all the Glimpsers, we want to say that we are all having an amazing time and we can’t wait to share all our memories with you!