Hi All,

Welcome to our blog. We’ve posted our introductions and pictures below. Please feel free to do the same by posting a comment to this post. We’ll be updating this before and during the trip to keep everyone aware of what’s going on. Cheers!
35999_408980916949_709236949_4275393_3458409_nDwight has spent time volunteering in both Mexico and Haiti, and brings experience traveling in developing countries.  He has over 5 years of experience working with youth, especially middle school and high school age, around college and career readiness, academic support, and overall mentoring.  These experiences have prepared him well for this role of Global Glimpse Leader.
GGintroPic Seth moved to San Francisco from New Hampshire almost 2 years ago. He is a web designer that works with organizations to research and understand the needs of people in order to create impactful and lasting solutions. He regularly organizes large camping and hiking trips with friends. He has traveled solo to Peru to do a 4 day backpacking trip on the Inca trail. His creativity, adventurous spirit, and organizational skills have prepared him well for the role of GG leader

In 4 weeks you’ll be in Nicaragua, get excited!