Hey Global Glimpse families, your leaders of the day, Alondra and Cameron here!!

Today we woke up at 7:00 am and headed down to breakfast at 7:30 am. For breakfast, we had cheese omelets, toast, and a banana paired with coffee or soursop juice. After breakfast, we drove to the Escuela de Paris de Parita. As soon as we arrived, we got straight to work, continuing our CAP (Community Action Project), which was painting the classroom doors. We made great progress after working for a few hours. Today the school was closed, so we didn’t have to worry about disturbing the students. However, some students still came to hang out with us while we painted, and we gave them treats and conversed with them. Thankfully, the weather was a bit cooler than previous days, making it a bit more bearable to work outside. And unlike yesterday, we had gloves, so it was somewhat less messy. We also had the privilege of having Raquel, an environmentalist who often helps the school (see Community Day blog), help paint the preschool door and add finger-painted flowers to all of our doors as a way of connecting them. At 12:00, we took a much-needed break for lunch, which was rice with chicken, coleslaw salad, plantains, and very refreshing lemonade. Once we finished our lunch, we got back to work painting the doors. Despite being exhausted, we persevered, laughed, and made sure to help each other out. The group’s artistic abilities really shined today. The majority of the group even managed to complete or almost complete their doors, which are all very nice. After a long day of painting, we returned to the hotel for some free time. Today, the gang finally had the opportunity to explore the city in groups, unchaperoned. So a few students went out to the Super Mercado while the rest stayed back at the hotel and did their best to shower off paint stains. Then we sat down for dinner and were served pork, white rice, salad, and chopped potatoes with orange juice (shout out to our wonderful cook, Angie). Lastly, we had our nightly meeting and passed our torches to the next leaders of the day after they displayed their quick drawing talents. Currently, we are making friendship bracelets and drawing. We had so much fun today and can’t wait for the next LDD’s, Dulce and Jessica.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy the photos!

Alondra and Cameron signing off ️