Recent posts from: Chitre 1 6-17-2024

Final day – Departure

Good morning Families and Friends, We’re happy to share that the group CH1A is now ready to go back to you. We’ve had an amazing experience here in Panama. We learned about Panama’s culture, reflected on our ways of doing things, appreciated Panama...

Day 13 – Final Reflection

Good Night Parents! My name is Kevin Rodriguez Fierro and we are glad but sad to announce that today was our last day in Panama. This 2-week family is going to be departing tomorrow at 5 am to go to the airport and meet y’all in the afternoon. Today we started...

Return Flight Information: CH1A-BAY

Hello family and friends of the CH1A-BAY Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers, so we thought we would share the new return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport: Students are expected to...

Fun Day!

Hey Global Glimpse Fam, it’s your leaders of the day Walker and Naiomi! We started this morning with what was supposed to be a 7:30 wake-up call. Walker forgot about a schedule change and accidentally woke people up at 7. This was met by some with a slight...

Free Day

Hello friends and families, This is Andrew and Kevin, your leaders of the day, coming at you with the nightly blog. To start the day off, the group slept in until 8:30. We’re more accustomed to waking up earlier, so having a later wake-up call was relieving....


Hey Glimpse Families, It’s Dulce and Jessica speaking on our final day of the CAP project. Today we started with waking up at 6:45am, it was a pretty early wake up as we had a performance to watch. At the Escuela de Paris de Parita, the students had prepared a...

CAP Day 2!!

Hey Global Glimpse families, your leaders of the day, Alondra and Cameron here!! Today we woke up at 7:00 am and headed down to breakfast at 7:30 am. For breakfast, we had cheese omelets, toast, and a banana paired with coffee or soursop juice. After breakfast, we...