Recent posts from: Bonao – 6/10/2016

Fun Day – 6/20

For our second and last fun day of the trip we went to Saltos de Jima to visit a waterfall (monumento natural). Today, we had a lot of hold-ups when it came to the schedule. We left about an hour late due to an impromptu meeting that was necessary for the well being...

Living Like A local

Today we learned what the meaning of family is; family are those who give unconditional love and support. We got to experience this with our host family as we lived like a local. We were welcomed with open arms and big hearts. Our day began with bucket showers and a...

Aid and Development Day

Today was a great day to be a Glimpser. The day was full of fun, we spent it in the beautiful mountains of the Dominican Republic speaking with our amazing guest speaker, Esteban. We learned a lot about our theme of the day; Aid & Development. The Federacion de...

Poverty Day

Today was packed with numerous activities. We started the day off half an hour earlier; instead of getting up at 7, we woke up at 6:30. As usual, we were provided breakfast by Lisalot, which consisted of toast, melon, and delicious, tropical juice. Over the course of...

Free day

Today was our first free day. We woke up at 8:00 A.M., which gave us an extra hour of sleep. Unfortunately I was sick so I could not see how everyone was spending their free day, but I got to hear about how great spending time outside of the hostel was. I was...

A Fun Day

Today was yet another busy day of activities that followed another new theme: FUN! The entirety of the schedule today consisted not only of having fun, but of course thinking critically about the significance of recreational activities within various subgroups of the...

Global Business Day

The glimpser’s day started off with a much needed, delicious breakfast from our wonderful chef Licelot—bologna and cheese sandwiches. They had a big day ahead of them as they attended Cormidom, a small scale mining company an hour outside of Bonao and later an...