Hey everyone, Emely and Maria took the role of leaders of the day. I’m Emely and today we woke up at 7:00 am to start our Adventure Fun Day! Starting off the day with a breakfast made up of veggies, fruit, steamed plantains, yogurt, and salami. After that we got on a safari bus and rode for a little over an hour through the mountains on our way to Ebano Verde scientific reserve. Seeing the beautiful scenery of the mountains, we finally reach the reserve and settle down for a bit inside their multi-use room.

We received a welcome introduction by one of the reserve’s safeguards and learned about the biodiversity of the area. From 110 different species of fern to 800 different species of orchid, Ebano Verde is full of diverse flora. As the intro came to an end, we began our short hike as we split up into two groups, the fast paced group and the relaxed group. When we reached 20 minutes we took a short snack break and headed back to the MUR for lunch.

When lunch ended, we got ready for a swim in the river. It was freezing, but it was completely worth the cold. The river had a beautiful little waterfall that splashed into a pool of water and continued its way onto the river.

After our little swim, we took our safari buses back to Constanza. As many of us predicted, it started to rain, and by rain I mean it started to pour. Because the safari buses are covered only from the top, some of us ended up just as soaked as if we have just gotten out of the river.

Hey there, I’m Maria and unfortunately our original plans of going to a mountain point called El Divino Niño got cancelled due to the rain. It was decided that we were going back to the hotel instead. Once we arrived at the hotel, everyone went to take showers and freshen up. What we soon realized was that the power was out, which meant that no one was able to take showers. Many of us decided to use the time to play card games and take naps. At around 5:20, everyone was called down to the hotel restaurant for our CAP meeting. For about an hour and a half, we brainstormed about what we could build that would benefit the community of Rio Grande. We came to the grand decision that we wanted to build a greenhouse. With this greenhouse, the community of Rio Grande will be able to grow and provide food for their community. Overall, Adventure Fun day was a success. We had a nice easy hike and then went for a swim in the river. Yes the water was cold but once we were used to it, we were able really enjoy the water.

The experiences we have had as glimpsers on this trip have opened our eyes and minds to new views and mindsets. We hope to apply some of these newly learned lessons when we get back home! Big love from Constanza!

  • Emely and Maria

P.S. from Nenita (Maria): hola Mamma, hola Papi, Como están? Me estoy divirtiéndo mucho aquí. Ha llovido los último días entonces no les pude llamar, pero en cuanto no dejen llamar a casa les hablo. Los quiero mucho ❤ Mariana, I miss your goofiness. I hope you are doing well and that you have not annoyed Michael that much. Give Bootsy a hug for me. I’ll talk to you as soon as possible.

By the way, from Emely, I love you mom and dad! Sorry I haven’t been able to contact you. I’m really sad that I haven’t heard your voices in seven days. We have nine more days left and I’m sure that you, like many other parents, miss their child. Los quiero mucho ❤ ! Quisiera hablar con ustedes pero cuando quiero no puedo. Voy a hablar con ustedes lo más pronto posible. Melina I miss how extra you are sometimes and how you dance the plug walk when I tell you to. Jk, but I really miss all of you and I can’t wait to see you all again. Love, Emely.


Getting crazy on Adventure Fun Day!


One of the Safari busses we took today


On the hike


Colleen and Ester with Constanza Ambassadors Gendy and Francis after lunch


The swimmers in the river


Zhonna, Flo, and Mina enjoying the day and watching swimmers