Recent posts from: C2A Constanza 6-13

Back in the US!

Hey avid blog readers, I wanted to let you all know that we made it back in the US, through customs, through a very slow TSA line, and to our gate. Our connecting flight was late arriving to Newark, so we likely won’t get to SFO until after 1:20am. We are all looking...

Final Trip Reflection

Hola from Constanza! Today, we woke up at 8.00 a.m. like most days. But instead, today we were filled with nostalgia as we looked back upon our 16 days here in the Dominican Republic. After a delicious breakfast we got together as a family and reflected our time in...

C2A Return Trip Information

Hello Family and Friends of C2A Glimpsers, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers after these two weeks, so below is the flight information and reminders for when and where to pick them up from the airport. Students will arrive at SFO airport at 12:48...

CAP Delivery Day #3

Hola from Constanza! Today we returned to Rio Grande to finish up our CAP delivery. We woke up early like the two previous CAP delivery days and arrived at around 9 am. We worked hard until 12, then we had lunch, and after we continued our work until around 2, when we...

CAP Delivery Day #2

¡Hola! This is Florence and Mina, the Leaders of the Day or L.D.Ds from Constanza. Today was Community Action Project (CAP) Delivery Day 2, the second to last day until we finish our project, which is a greenhouse and a mural. Today, we were close to finishing our...

Deconstructing Poverty and Immigration

Hey everyone! Today was both poverty and immigration day, two of the most emotional days packed into a day because we had to cancel the visit to the dump the other day. This morning we went to the dump and asked questions to understand how people ended up living and...

CAP Delivery Day #1

Today was our first day working on the CAP project.  We all worked really hard on the planning with the given time we had. This was something that we all put our hearts into because of how much we wanted to help the children and the people of that community. This...