
Hi everyone, today is the first day of August! Yeah, finally here comes August. Today we had so much fun. We woke up at 7:00 am then we had our delicious breakfast. We had cereal, juice and bread for our breakfast. After breakfast we had an academic seminar about international aid. We learned that the US gave 50% of its aid to 6 countries and we are the largest donor in the world. Then we had a discussion about whether we should give aid to the foreign countries or not. At 9:00am we welcomed our guest speaker, Nizary, the coordinator for the education program for FUNDASEP. She talked about what FUNDASEP and their programs. FUNDASEP work includes environment and sanitation projects. Nizary told us that FUNDASEP is focusing their work on three provinces, and those are very poor areas. FUNDASEP built schools for the local people and educate people from age 7 up to their early 70s. People were taught how to write and read in schools. The literacy program is open to all the people of different ages. We are happy to learn there is such a program for the poor people because they also can have a chance to be educated, to enjoy the same right as the other people would have. After we went to Comunidad El Batey at 10:00am, this is one of the place where the local people got help from FUNDASEP. The community gave us a big welcome . They sang songs for us, which was used to honor the Holy Spirit. The main lady singing was dressed in traditional clothes and she has an distinct voice.They also read poems for us. One of the ladies who read a poem said she was really glad to see us here in the community with them. Then the ladies showed us their traditional dance with the men playing drums. The compassionate local people even invited us to dance with them. All of us were being invited and we had such a great time together. After the local people showed us their dance, we were brought to the home of two ladies. FUNDASEP made the community a much better place. Before the people had no bathroom, had no access to purified water and had to cook inside the house. FUNDASEP built a toilet for them so that they don’t have to go do their personal matter outside at their backyard. Before many people got sick at the town because of the bacteria from the garbage and the wastes. FUNDASEP also better the kitchen in the house. Before the ashes and smoke would be everywhere in the kitchen, after they built the stove with smoke stack that allows the smoke to exit the house so the people won’t get sick from breathing smoke into their lungs. We are pleasured to learn all the sustainable improvements FUNDASEP did and we hope we could use the knowledge we got today to better the poor people.