Recent posts from: San Juan De La Maguana – 07/20/2013

August 6th, 2013-CAP Day #2

Hi everyone, My name is Netsay Ramos and I am an upcoming senior at Lionel Wilson College Preparatory Academy located in Oakland, California. I was leader of the day for the first day that our delegation got to physically work on our community action project, both at...

Politics Day

We had a great day on politics day, woke up was at 7:15 and so everyone got dressed in their best outfits to go see the mayor, we were in a bit of a hurry but it all worked out,at 8:00 we headed up to the fourth floor to eat breakfast and then head back down stairs at...

Day 16: Flexible Day

Although today’s theme was said to have been a complete ‘free day’, our delegation worked on being flexible with our schedule. Our day consisted of working on our Community Action Project’s official details while still getting to know each...

Culture Day #2

  Hola from the Dominican Republic! Today we got the chance to further immerse ourselves in the Domincan culture by attending a music class and another dance class. So the day began normally, we all woke up and had breakfast together like a happy family and came...

Working Like a Local, Day #14

    5 a.m. marked our first wake up call for the day. With 15 minutes to get ready for a long morning, we made sure that everyone came to the door on the first round. Our morning consisted of dividing into two groups and going to work in the local markets. After...

Aid and Development

Hi everyone, today is the first day of August! Yeah, finally here comes August. Today we had so much fun. We woke up at 7:00 am then we had our delicious breakfast. We had cereal, juice and bread for our breakfast. After breakfast we had an academic seminar about...