SJ2C Return Trip Information

Hello, Family and Friends of the SJ2C Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers after these two weeks, so we thought we would share a reminder about the return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the...

RB3C Return Trip Information

Hello Family and Friends of the RB3C Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers after these two weeks, so we thought we would share a reminder about the return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport!...

CH2C Updated Flight Information

Dear Friends and Families of CH2C, Due to the weather in the New York City area, the flight from Panama (PTY) to Newark (EWR) is currently scheduled to leave Cleveland (CLE) at 7pm local time and arrive Newark (EWR) at 8:19 EDT.  However, given that the weather in the...

CH2C Updated Flight Information

Hi CH2C Parents and Families, Due to weather in Newark, the flight was re-routed to Cleveland and is scheduled to land at CLE at 4:09 PM. There is a scheduled departure from Cleveland at 5:01 PM that would have the group landing back at Newark (EWR) at 6:20 PM at...

CH2C Return Trip Information

Hello Family and Friends of the CH2C Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers after these two weeks, so we thought we would share a reminder about the return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport!...