Day 15: Hasta Pronto Bonao!

Our last day in Bonao was full of memories, reflection, gratitude, laughter and tears. We reflected for hours about or experience by creating journey maps about what has meant the most in our time in DR, created mission statements about our actions for the future and...

Day 14: Forever Together

Today was the last day of our CAP Delivery Project, and our last full day in Bonao. We woke up at 7 am and for breakfast; we had pancakes and eggs. After that at 9 am, we took the bus to Los Arroyos and added the finishing touches to our CAP project. We mainly focused...

Day 13: We’re Almost There!

Today was the second day working on our CAP Delivery Project. We woke up at 7am. Some of us woke up even earlier to work out with the Executive Director of Global Glimpse, Eliza, at 6:30am. Although the workout group was smaller today, there are still quite a few...

Day 12: Getting Down and Dirty

Today was the first day of our CAP Delivery Project. Some of us woke up at 6AM again for an early workout. For breakfast, we ate salami with plantains. The group was told to drink water with electrolytes for our safety while we planned to work in the sun all day. At...

Day 11: Immigration Day

Today was Immigration Day. The day started off with some of the Glimpsers exercising with the Executive Director of Global Glimpse, Eliza, a super special treat.  At 7:00am, the Glimpsers officially woke up and had breakfast. Then, we headed out to Batey Palave....