Living Like A Local Day #1

Today we had the challenge of living off a dollar a day. We woke up and had a very basic breakfast of beans and a tortilla, then headed off to the small rural community of Isiqui and were hosted by five welcoming families. In the homes we did common chores, played...

Aid & Development

    Hola las familias of Glimpsers! Today we all focused on aid and development. We first visited an organization called Mujeres Ambientalistas. There we learned how to make recycled paper out of organic materials, such as bananas and onions, and visited the...

Fun Day

Today my peers and I learned how teamwork and encouraging one another is essential to overcoming major obstacles; such as climbing in and out of The Somoto Canyon. What surprised me, and hit me in the heart the most today was how everyone demonstrated their natural...

Culture: Old and emerging art forms

Today we attempted to answer the question: what role does art play in preserving local customs and traditions? As the day transpired we met individuals that created new art forms, like Don Julio that fashions postcards from corn husks; and others that revitalized...

Day 2: History and Politics in Nicaragua

From start to finish day 2 in Esteli has been as colorful and exciting as Nicaragua’s history. We started the day at 7:00 AM with a melodic Buenos Dias from Ena our site coordinator. The group dressed and made their way over to El buffet de Esteli where we had...