Final Reflection

From the moment we all received that acceptance letter to Nicaragua, to bearing witness to the country itself was when we all knew this would be a long trip, and a long trip it was. Up until now, each and everyone of us has grown closer as friends than what we were...

2nd & Last Free Day

Being leader of the day day was a great experience. Most importantly because it was the second free day and other glimpsers including myself had another chance to buy more souvenirs for our loved ones back home. It was a rainy day but it didn’t stop us from...

CAP 3 Day 3

Teamwork really defines a group of 20 teenagers for the past couple of day. The day started off pretty slow we knew what we had to do but towards the middle of the day felt pressured for time and everyone was trying to finish the Community Action Project and in the...

CAP day 2

Hi everyone! Today we spent the day at Rebaño de Alegría, where we are working on our CAP project. We got off to a slow start the day before, so we had a lot to do. We had three different groups: one working with kids, one painting chairs and tables, and one painting...

Hey- CAP day 1

Alexis: Wassup booooiiiis. Today was the day of our first CAP project, or community action project, and we had to face a lot of challenges. Diego: Yep! As leaders of the day, we quickly realized the limitations one faces when forcing teenagers to wake up and asking...