It’s not the end–Kayakama

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that is not what ships are for.” –William G.T. Shedd   Kayakama (Kah-Ya-Kah-Ma): Kichwa word for “See you again”, because Kichwa has no official terminology for “Good bye”.   5 days ago, all of us set out on a...

GU2A Final Reflection / Departure Day

Some words to summarize final reflection and departure day…touching, emotional, unforgettable. We began the day by going to a beautiful farm and cafe called La Guilena about 25 minutes from Guaranda city. In the quaint little cafe, we started our journey of...


Quote of the Day: “The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs Question of the Day: What do you see as the biggest challenge and biggest reward of this project? Yellow. Happiness. Light. Development....

Salinas Song

Quote of the Day: “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime.” – Chinese Proverb Question of the Day: What are the similarities and differences of poverty in the US and Ecuador? Hello everyone from the...