Day 6: Que honda chicos?

Que honda chicos? After a well-spent karaoke/fiesta night, the group had too much energy to fall asleep. The problem was then that the next morning we had a hard time waking up at 7:30am. After having breakfast, we rode the bus to the community center in Mata de...

Day 5: FREEEEDOM!!!!

Que Lo Que de Jarabacoa Familiares! Today was the first Free Day Glimpsers got to experience here in the DR and we all took advantage. With the optional breakfast times, Glimpsers had the opportunity to sleep in, and many did. Some Glimpsers decided to get up at an...

Day 4: Living Like a Local

Hola nuestros amigos en California, We had an amazing day in Jarabacoa living like locals! Last night, we traded in our electricity for candles and running water for buckets. We quickly learned how privileged we are in the U.S. and how grateful we are for what we...

Day 3: Culture Day | Bohio & Bachata

Hi families & friends! Today was an incredible culture day filled with food, drink, dancing, and conversation. We had an early wake-up call to hit the road in the morning to a small, rural community of Jarabacoa called Campo Añil. Here we visited Los Bohios, a...