Day 8 (Global Business)

Que Lo Que! Today’s excursion was led by our Global Glimpsers, Angelo and Saray. After waking up at 7, and having some breakfast, we headed straight to work! Everyone (Including staff and guests) participated in a mini tour from our host Miguel on his coffee...

Day 7 – FUN DAY!!

Hello Readers, Bryson: I woke up at about 4 am to make sure that I would be up early to wake everyone up. The thing is… the beds were so comfortable, that I fell asleep when I laid back down. I woke up again around 5:50 am and stayed up, even though it was a...

Day 6 – Immigration

Hello friends! It’s Josue and Kevin, we were the Leaders of the Day, which is a key role on this trip overall. This position started a day before as we planned our meeting and the execution of activities. We were excited, as we headed into the most exciting part...

Day 5 – Aid and Development

Hey family it’s Erika and Fatima-Numa, the LDDs for today. We started off the day at 7:00 am when we woke everyone up for breakfast. We had oatmeal, toast, lettuce, tomatos, cheese, avacodos, ham, and bananas. After our lovely breakfast, we left to go to an NGO...

Community Day

Hello! Our names are Amara Kioni Abdullah and Henna Lopez-Spears and we were the first student Leaders of the Day for this trip. Today was community day. We had a great time playing with the children in the community, Sonido del Yaque. They even taught us some...