Sustainability in Action

Hi, from Savannah and Sergio! When asked to volunteer to be the first Lideres del día, we were the first two to raise our hands. We started the day off by waking up at 5:00 am to get ready before everyone else to prepare for the day. We made sure everything was...

Know Your History, Know Your Future

Hola familia! Saludos desde de Cartago! Our Glimpsers were fortunate to be greeted by the beautiful sounds of the birds and rays of sunshine that overlooked the Orosi Valley. A gorgeous way to start a very early morning! Our early birds had a delicious breakfast by...

Bienvenidos a Alas Azules

Greetings amigos! Today was an amazing day, filled with beautiful emotions, landscapes and delicious food. In the morning we had the opportunity to have a buffet breakfast. We could choose from waffles to gallo pinto. Some students volunteered to help Don Tavo get our...

¡Es Hoy! !Es Hoy!

Dear family and friends, 👪 We are happy to announce that all of our students have safely arrived to Costa Rica. Yeiiiiii 🙌🙌🙌 We will stay the night in San Jose and we will be traveling to Orosi in Cartago (our base house) in the...

Welcome to Costa Rica♥

HELLO, GLIMPSERS! WE ARE SO HAPPY!  THE TIME TO MEET YOU ALL HAS ARRIVED! This is Adrián González and Leydianis González from Orosi 1A  We know some things about you, and we would like you to know more about us: Hello, my name is Adrian,  I was born and raised in the...