¡Hola Glimpsers de RIOBAMBA 3B!

¿Qué tal? We, your Program Coordinators, are really happy to meet all of you this summer! We have been working hard to make sure you will have an amazing experience in Ecuador. This is a lovely country and you will meet beautiful people here! We want to share a little...

GGL Intro Riobamba 7-5

Hey all! I’m Maryanne, Ms. G to all my kiddos, and I’m a High School teacher at Williamsburg Prep in Brooklyn. Originally, I’m from Rochester, NY but came down to the city for college at NYU. That was my first true time being away from home for an...

Leader Intro Ecuador Trip 7/05/2019

Hello my name is Byran Hyatt and I’m incredibly excited to be leading the Global Glimpse Ecuador (7-05-2019) trip this summer! A little bit of an introduction to who I am and why I decided to become a GGL. I was born and raised in Greenwich, CT. I attended high...