Welcome to Riobamba!

Dear Family & Friends, We’re happy to report that the RB2A Global Glimpse delegation arrived in Riobamba, Ecuador this afternoon! After a great breakfast and hospitality in Quito, we made the 4 hour trek to Riobamba and enjoyed the beautiful views along the...


Dear Families & Friends, We are happy to announce that all of the students and chaperones arrived safe and sound in Quito! We spent the night in Quito and we will be traveling to Riobamba this morning. For the rest of their time in Ecuador, you can expect updates...


Hello, My name is Jaylen Martinez. Born and raised here in Chicago, I’m an avid Chicago sports fan (minus the White Sox; we don’t like the White Sox). I played Rugby throughout high school, even playing for Chicago’s U-19 team against a team from Ireland. Beyond...


We can’t believe the time is almost here. We would like to express how excited we are to meet all of you this summer. We, your Program Coordinators, have spent the last months in Riobamba planning a dynamic 14-day itinerary. We have made so many amazing connections...

Hello Glimpsers!

Hello Glimpsers! My name is Brianna Rodriguez and I am so excited to be a GGL for the Riobamba trip in June! I was born and raised in Ventura County, California, and then attended the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ. Growing up in the Southwest was amazing but on...