Indigenous Worldview Day

Hello Glimpser family & friends, Today, we started off as usual with breakfast from our main food provider Isabel (& Nelson)! After breakfast, we had a seminar about Indigenous Worldview to prepare us for our visit to Cacha Pucara Tambo in the afternoon. After...

The Devil?!

Hey friends and family, hope all is well back in Chicago! After a light breakfast, the Glimpsers headed to the entrance to the Amazon Rainforest to hike the Pailon del Diablo (Devil’s Pailon) waterfall! On our two-hour drive there, it was crazy to see how...

Education, Discovery, and Design!

We started off at Proyecto Kuri Kinti where Jenni and Santiago explained the way they live and teach in connection with nature. When we were there, we worked alongside them to clean the river by their home. After collecting 6 bags of plastic waste from the river,...

Local Businesses, Global Impact!

This morning, we got up bright and early at 6:30 a.m. Once awake, we headed to Nelson and Isabel for a scrumptious breakfast. Afterward, we rushed to the town of Guano, where we visited the local quinoa cereal business, Cerquie, learned the seven-step process of...

Llamas, History, and more Llamas

Dear Family and Friends, We started off the day with a great breakfast from Isabel and Nelson (our main food providers). After that, we took a 40-minute bus ride to Palacio Real where we met up with Trinidad, a local member of the indigenous community. She then took...