Free day!

Today we and our peers learned how to stay in groups while in an unknown area. Today what hit me the most was how similar it is in New York, there were a lot of vendors just like home, we would’ve thought that it would’ve been different. The idea of sticking together...


Hey y’all! It’s Jazzy and Ilán. We were the leaders of the day today, on Indigenous World Views Day. As leaders, we had to wake up way too early, and so as we’re writing this we are quite delirious. Waking up at 6 am, we got ourselves ready for the day before anyone...

Got Rest?

HEYYY it’s Melissa, one of the Leaders of today! I started off the morning at 5:30 am and woke everyone up at 6 am. Unfortunately, we were a little off schedule because many of us felt sick in the morning, but we took some medications and began traveling to the...

Word of the day: Familia

Hey y’all it’s Jennifer and Farida. It’s been a long day here in Ecuador. There are many ways to describe the day..tiring, long, fun but most of all eye-opening. I think everyone learned a really valuable lesson, but first I’ll tell you what we did today. We had...


Hi guys it is Vincent and Joyce. We started off the day 7 a.m. bright and early. We made it to breakfast on time at 8 a.m. with some classic bread with butter and jam along with a bowl of delicious, nutritious, and healthy fruits (strawberries). With our bellies full...