Limoncillo kind of day

This morning we had an excellent breakfast as usual: eggs, plantain, salsa, and lemonade. Next, we went to the community center and both of us were painting signs to put up in the center. The manual labor group made a long chain in order to pass bricks along more...

Rain Doesn’t Stop The Day!

-Unna’s Highlight of the Day- Today was the first day of the CAP, Community Action Project, where all twenty of us gathered together with several community volunteers and worked on a community center. All twenty of us had previously split into groups –...

Working Like a Local!!!!

Today’s adventure begins at 5:30 am, waking up to the loud motorcycles riding past my window, the hot air surrounding my twin size bed, and the bright blue skies of San Juan De La Maguana. Ready to co-lead Lider Del Dia with my fellow Glimpser, Ashley. Breakfast...


Today was me and my fellow Glimpsers first FREE DAYY! Today I was the Lider Del Dia, it was a great experience. Our group was out to explore the city of San Juan. We usually wake up to a wake up call but today we were able to wake up at any time we wanted to. Of...