CAP Day 2 at the School!

Hey everyone! The LDDs today were Emily and Imogen, and today is our second day working on our CAP project! To start our day, we woke up at 6:30 and got ready before everyone else, in order to wake them up at 7. Breakfast was pancakes (Diego´s banana ones, which are...

CAP DAY 1!!!!!!

Pura Vida from Costa Rica!! The leaders of the day today were Emma H & Tenzin! In order to become leaders, our talent was ´´the wave´´ with a twist, A.K.A. a handshake that featured our best dance move. It was fantastic! Today was the very first day of our CAP...

Aid and Development

Hola Familias y Amigas, It´s Chloé reporting live from Costa Rica. I started the day by waking up at 6:30 to read outside while enjoying the view and listening to the birds chirp. I woke everyone up at 8 am for breakfast at 8:30. On the breakfast menu we had French...

Community Day!! :)

Hi everyone! Today was community day! We spent the day with Costa Rican families learning about their lifestyle and their costumbres (customs). To start off our day, we woke up at 7:30 am to have breakfast at 8:00 am, which consisted of banana pancakes, ham, eggs, and...

Global Business Day

¡Pura Vida from Costa Rica!! Heyy… Today we learned about 2 major local businesses in Costa Rica. We kicked off our day by doing our wake-up calls at 8:00 am. After we got ready, we headed to breakfast at 8:30 am. Today, we had delicious rice and beans with...