Hey everyone, My name is David Marine and today I woke up at 6:30AM as always to wake up all the boys in my room so we can shower and get ready. Then, at 7:45 I proceeded to make sure to wake up the girls, (8:00AM was wake up time). Then I had everyone at the table at...

Environmental Conservation

Hey family and friends, Today was a pretty chill and relaxed day, starting with a smooth wake up and an amazing breakfast by the one and only Diego. After breakfast we decided to head to the mini-mart which is just a regular bodega but to us it was so much more than...

Environmental Justice Day

(Emma)–¡Hola everybody! First things first, we woke up at 8 am in the morning, and I woke up the girls while Ryan woke up the boys. We got ready for breakfast, which was at 8:30. For breakfast, Ryan and I got special bunny pancakes (which Diego made), some...

Waterfall & Turrialba!!

Hey everyone! It´s Fiona (yes Dad I´m alive – also for my talent I did something in Mandarin so that should keep Mom happy for a bit) I started out the day waking everyone up at 8 am, although most people were already up since we´ve been waking up at 6:30 the...


Greetings from Gracie and Kate! We started our day at the early hour of 6:15. The previous night we settled on wearing our matching green toucan shirts in order to be recognizable throughout the day. By 6:30 am we were ready to get the gang up and moving. Gracie took...