Recent posts from: Granada – 07/23/2014

CAP Presentation was a success!!

Hola! Saludos desde Granada! All of us glimpsers started off our long day at 7AM with a familiar meal of corn flakes, toast,  jam, and bananas for breakfast. We traveled back to the hostel where we prepared and continued to discuss the loose ends of our community...

Politics Day !!!

Today  the group  woke up at  7 am. Then we got ready to go to the comedor, their we ate omelets  that had ham and cheese with the beverage of “Avena” which means oatmeal.Later on  we walked to our guest speaker, Luis  Mora, a war veteran for the...

Working Like a Local Day

Today was a personal day of anticipation for myself (Zoe): Working like a local, “reality” challenge. We began the day at 6 am and barely managed to drag ourselves to our favorite restaurant, El Comodor, for a breakfast of Gallo Pinto, hard boiled eggs,...

YOOHOO! Fun Day: Dia de Sorpresas

“When he worked, he really worked. But when he played, he really PLAYED.” As he always does, Dr. Seuss really hits the nail on the head with this quote. After a week packed with various seminars, tours, speakers, activities, and tutoring sessions, we enjoyed a much...


Hola! Today was Free Day! We started off the day with an amazing surprise from the owner of the Comedor; before breakfast, he presented a Birthday Cake and gifts for the three birthday celebrations for Althea, Anita, and Kyna! Some people ate the breakfast at the...

The Dump: full of trash, dirt, and fortitude

Hello Everybody! Today was Poverty Day and we visited the Grenada landfill. After everyone got ready, we first traveled to a church, where we met with Mario Rincand. Mario is a Nicaraguan who moved to LA at age seven, but was in trouble several times in his life and...

Living on a Dollar Day

Today we embarked on a very unique and inspirational journey in hopes of understanding life from another perspective. By eliminating running water and electricity as we went about our daily business, we were able to accomplish our goal of putting ourselves in the...