Recent posts from: Trip Blogs 2014

Living on a dollar a day

  Today I was the the leader of the day for living on a dollar on a day. My experience today was the best. My host family was very inviting to strangers in their home. I didn’t feel like an outsider, I felt like part of the family. My host mother was very polite...

Community Action Project: Day 1

Today was the first day of our Community Action Project (CAP)! We started off the day with a breakfast of eggs with ham and gallo pinto, as usual (everyone’s favorite). Then we walked back to the hostel and planned for the big day, which included walking down the...

FREE DAY!!!!!!

***REMINDER – We will be returning on WEDNESDAY night on FLIGHT AA 275, eta 11:35pm. Please track the flight and plan to pick up your student ~30 min after arrival to allow for baggage. THANKS! – Amanda and Dani*** Today was free day so there isn’t...

Day 13 – Politics Day

Hello! I’m Tom Aiello, and I was given the privilege of being el lider del día for politics day. The focus of today was to explore and discuss the relationship between the Dominican Republic’s politics and its citizens. It comes as no surprise that the group couldn’t...

Global Business Day/ August, 4th 2014

Although we had to wake up a bit early to travel from San De La Maguana to the Batey of the Sugar Plantation, we had another fulfilling day in the Dominican Republic. After an hour drive to Plataforma Vida, where the sugar plantation was, we got a tour of where they...

CAP Delivery Day 1!

  Hey it’s Sydney and Mary and we were the leaders of the day for our first day of our Community Action Project (CAP). This project is completed over the course of three days and it is beneficial and sustainable for the community. For our project, we...

Our First Free Day *sighs of relief*

  Finally… a free day. The day we were all itching to have. It has finally came! At the beginning of the day, I wasn’t sure how leader of the day would turn out. Since no one was really going to be around I thought I wouldn’t have anyone to boss...