Recent posts from: Leon2 – 6/12/2015

Culture June 14, 2015

Hello families! On this amazing day I had the chance to be the leader of the  day. Being the leader of the day means you are responsible for the group and making sure they are safe and able to accomplish the goals of the day. Today’s goal was to learn more about...

History Day June 13, 2015

Hi families and friends! We had a jam-packed Day 2 here in Leon. Today’s theme was history and we sure learned a lot about Leon and the beautiful history of the city. We started the morning with breakfast: eggs, gallo pinto, plantains and veggies. We came back...

We made it!

Hola families and friends, We have safely arrived in Leon and are getting ready for bed at our hostel. The flight from SFO was uneventful and we arrived in San Salvador early this morning. After 7 long hours at the airport, we boarded a small propeller plane to...